Saturday, December 6, 2008

Multimedia message

Forced angle due to proximity of seat to toilet tissue dispenser

Friday, November 28, 2008

FW: IMG00180.jpg

Midwestern Auto Group, floor 2 multi gender restroom.

Multimedia message

Fifty cal....forget about it

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Multimedia message

journey begins : swinging door @ the supermarket or meat locker? Neither, it's restroom next to gate B17 at the prestigious dayton international airport. I had to hang my back pack on the door knob. The fella next to me was rather reserved, possibly holding back.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Multimedia message

i'm too full of spicy basil chicken to comment. I wrote a sweet extension/revision/whatever to this post and it got erased due to some lame error.......freak. When time permits I will evaluate.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Got a good story, I'd love to read about it.

Just leave it as a comment. (This post is not limited to actual stories. )

For example and starters:
  • I prefer not to hear someone say, " I don't remember eating that."
  • One of my first memorable public restroom experiences took place in Atlanta Airport. It sounded like an orchestra, there were representatives of the wood winds, brass, and percussion with the occasional operatic interjection of "why is this happening?"

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Check your surroundings

Yes i carry two bags. Both are black. I'm not Johnny Cash. Aside from the bags, this facility is not for intense build up release, it's not safe. I repeat NOT SAFE. If your mission is to deploy troops without detection and General GI has already informed you silence will not be possible with this deployment DO NOT DEPLOY HERE. The area outside of the drop point is not as safe and secure as it appears. The enemy will know of all your troop movements. It's a trap. You are lured in by the soft off white coloring and narrow stall spaces and just before deployment you realize there is only this door between you and all of the world (entire locker room). Your movements unless absolutely silent will be announced over a worldwide PA system, charly will know your location and objective in an instant. You may as well deploy in the middle of the battle field of sweaty pits, stinky feet, naked old men, and cheap cologne. Granted chemical warfare is commonplace in such environments and takes many forms BUT this is a solo mission, the risk of collateral damage is too great. If silence will not or cannot be maintained seek a different drop zone.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Gym's John

That wall comes courtesy of cardinal fitness. It's roughly a quarter mile away from arms reach, equating to spacious location for bowel evacuation or the gratifying emancipation of constipation. You can always change in there if you don't feel having gym eyes scope your body. And when those squats or dead lifts are too tough, you can always have someone change your diaper thanks to the handy dandy modified ironing board.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Nothing special. Clean. Quiet. Neutral. Sinclair CC. With the plain John ( substitute Jane, for the cliche completion) settings the designer/planner must've been given the task of expediting the bathroom processes for all, in which case he/she/they succeeded. In more varied terms, its like a clean fast food restaurant: you're in and out with moderate satisfaction and little or no second thought about disease.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Back room water closet @ Work

Offers uncontested privacy, reading material, air freshener, rubbing alcohol, cell block atmosphere, and filing cabinet. The cell block atmosphere reminds a person they're on the job. The lock, not pictured, has a deadbolt thud when engaged, enhancing the psychological and physical feeling of safety. On the downside, climate control is limited. CSS, cold seat syndrome, a water closet pathology commonly dealt with in even the warmest of wash room climates becomes insurmountable in the back room water closet. I guess it's the cost of doing safe secure non-work related business transactions.

Base Camp

Some readers have inquired about the view from my personal commode. Biggest threat, unwelcome intruder whether friend or foe; note: lack of locking mechanism on door. A knock first policy remains in effect at all times.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

It actually happened behind a curtain

These are from yesterday's rr experience. Yes those are curtains. Briefly stated it was a rush due to inadequate privacy compounded by guaranteed exposure to anyone who enters. This actually is not my first encounter with the curtain commode. The CC was far too intimidating for 'first time encounter first time use' sort of venture. It takes serious consideration, mild planning, and lots of GUTS or the feared code red (losing a continence battle). In my case, I wanted to check the 'used a curtain for cover at school' box. The second photo illustrates the CC with the curtain fully engaged in its duty to provide privacy. Reminds me of some gov't officials, it puts in the work but just doesn't get the job done.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Look at that toilet tissue dispenser! Beautiful and highly reflective chrome cover, my assumption, it prevents wasted tissue by providing a an edge which functions similar to saran wrap box, minus the pipe saw teeth. Pure class.

The Doc's "DOCK"

Today's installment comes by way of the doctor's office. The lavatory experience enhanced by the picture of a coastline seen partly on the right. The gentle colors create a relaxing ambiance. And for prevention of urine spills, a person need only deposit in the metal box on walls the sample requested. Relieving body waste, in any form, carries very little risk due to number of medical professionals in immediate area, wall thickness/insulation, and privacy. Definite approval.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Basement of MS building

basement of med science building. More information to come as well as less fiber

Life of a Student

Photo: second floor medical studies building WSU, slanted to left due to uneven seat height.

Perspective/Experience: quiet, secluded, neutral coloration, basic locking mechanism.

Potential hazards: If restroom was occupied by more than one individual there's potential for uneasiness due to location of the gaps in the stall door which appear to as more people enter the room and floor to ceiling tile lays the ground work for possible gastronintestinal echo chamber.